Cactus reference-free alignments of GRCh38 and T2T CHM13 v2.0, using chimp
(GCF_002880755.1/panTro6) as an out-group.
Display Conventions and Configuration
This track uses the Snake tracks display conventions and configuration.
Alignments were generated using the Cactus reference alignment package and are stored
as a HAL file.
This track was created by Marina Haukness <[email protected]>
if the UC Santa Cruz Computational Genomics Lab.
Armstrong J, Hickey G, Diekhans M, Fiddes IT, Novak AM, Deran A, Fang Q, Xie D, Feng S, Stiller J
et al.
Progressive Cactus is a multiple-genome aligner for the thousand-genome era.
Nature. 2020 Nov;587(7833):246-251.
PMID: 33177663; PMC: PMC7673649
Hickey G, Paten B, Earl D, Zerbino D, Haussler D.
HAL: a hierarchical format for storing and analyzing multiple genome alignments.
Bioinformatics. 2013 May 15;29(10):1341-2.
PMID: 23505295; PMC: PMC3654707