Ensembl Genes Track Settings
Ensembl Gene Predictions - archive 101 - aug2020   (All Genes and Gene Predictions tracks)

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Source data version: 101
Assembly: Panda Dec. 2009 (BGI-Shenzhen 1.0/ailMel1)
Data last updated at UCSC: 2020-08-31


These gene predictions were generated by Ensembl.

For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ.


For a description of the methods used in Ensembl gene predictions, please refer to Hubbard et al. (2002), also listed in the References section below.

Data access

Ensembl Gene data can be explored interactively using the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For local downloads, the genePred format files for ailMel1 are available in our downloads directory as ensGene.txt.gz or in our genes download directory in GTF format.

For programmatic access, the data can be queried from the REST API or directly from our public MySQL servers. Instructions on this method are available on our MySQL help page and on our blog.

Previous versions of this track can be found on our archive download server.


We would like to thank Ensembl for providing these gene annotations. For more information, please see Ensembl's genome annotation page.


Hubbard T, Barker D, Birney E, Cameron G, Chen Y, Clark L, Cox T, Cuff J, Curwen V, Down T et al. The Ensembl genome database project. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jan 1;30(1):38-41. PMID: 11752248; PMC: PMC99161