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IL15 — VDR
Text-mined interactions from Literome
Krutzik et al., J Immunol 2008
In this study, we found that TLR2/1 induced
IL-15 was
required for induction of CYP27b1, the
VDR and the downstream antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin ... Although both IL-15 and IL-4 triggered macrophage differentiation, only
IL-15 was
sufficient by itself to induce CYP27b1 and subsequent bioconversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 ( 25D3 ) into bioactive 1,25D3, leading to
VDR activation and induction of cathelicidin
Bruce et al., J Immunol 2011
(Disease Models, Animal...) :
Low proliferation of DN TCRaß ( + ) T cells was a
result of the very low expression of the
IL-15R in this population of cells in the absence of the
Kato et al., J Clin Invest 1993
Effects of
interleukin-1 on syntheses of alkaline phosphatase, type X collagen, and
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor , and matrix calcification in rabbit chondrocyte cultures