Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Pathways - manually collected, often from reviews:

  • NCI Pathway Database mTOR signaling pathway: PML (PML) → mTORC1/PRAS40/DEPTOR/PML complex (MTOR-MLST8-AKT1S1-DEPTOR-RPTOR-PML) (modification, collaborate)
    Bernardi et al., Nature 2006
    Evidence: mutant phenotype, assay, physical interaction
  • NCI Pathway Database mTOR signaling pathway: PML (PML) → mTORC1/PRAS40/DEPTOR complex (MTOR-MLST8-AKT1S1-DEPTOR-RPTOR) (modification, collaborate)
    Bernardi et al., Nature 2006
    Evidence: mutant phenotype, assay, physical interaction
  • NCI Pathway Database mTOR signaling pathway: mTORC1/PRAS40/DEPTOR/PML complex (MTOR-MLST8-AKT1S1-DEPTOR-RPTOR-PML) → mTORC1/PRAS40/DEPTOR complex (MTOR-MLST8-AKT1S1-DEPTOR-RPTOR) (modification, collaborate)
    Bernardi et al., Nature 2006
    Evidence: mutant phenotype, assay, physical interaction

Protein-Protein interactions - manually collected from original source literature:

Studies that report less than 10 interactions are marked with *

Text-mined interactions from Literome

Wang et al., Autophagy 2011 : In contrast, rapamycin, the mTOR kinase inhibitor, enhanced autophagy and promoted ATRA induced PML-RARa degradation and myeloid cell differentiation
Iwanami et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 (Glioblastoma) : Direct mTOR inhibitors and EGF receptor (EGFR) inhibitors that block downstream mTOR signaling promote nuclear PML expression in GBMs, and genetic overexpression and knockdown approaches demonstrate that PML prevents mTOR and EGFR inhibitor dependent cell death