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UCSC Genome Browser Gene Interaction Graph
Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Klaus et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 (Wnt Signaling Pathway) : Using FACS enrichment of cardiac progenitors in RBPJ and RBPJ/Axin2 mutants, embryo cultures in the presence of the Bmp inhibitor Noggin, and by crossing a Bmp4 mutation into the RBPJ/Axin2 mutant background, we show that Wnt and Bmp4 signaling activate specific and nonoverlapping cardiac-specific genes in the cardiac progenitors : Nkx2-5, Isl1 and Baf60c are controlled by Wnt/ß-catenin , and Gata4, SRF, and Mef2c are controlled by Bmp signaling
Collins et al., Endocrinology 2013 (Bone Resorption...) : Down-regulation of Wnt family inhibitors, Sost and Dkk1, and inhibition of Mef2c , a sclerostin stimulator, were observed