View - Peaks or Signals: Different track formats often allow different views of the data of a single experiment. These views sometimes represent different stages of processing, such as experimental 'signal' resulting directly from high-throughput sequencing and called 'peaks' which result from further analysis.
View | Description | Label |
FastqRd1 |
Raw sequence with Phred33 quality scores Read 1 |
FastqRd1 |
FastqRd2 |
Raw sequence with Phred33 quality scores Read 2 |
FastqRd2 |
Spikeins |
Spikeins |
Spike-ins |
TranscriptDeNovo |
'De novo' transcripts defined by Cufflinks, and their associated RPKMs, as computed by the Flux Capacitor |
Transcripts De novo |
Total = 4